side note: i really need to remember to avoid taking landscape photos. sorry. they all link to their larger versions so feel free to click on them.
most of the fancy plants here were purchased from and
lithops from

i’m really proud of these. i’ve had them since late 2020 and only just planted them, but they sprouted anyway. i’ve heard lithops are quite hard to convince to sprout, so i’m proud of myself for getting it right.

should end up with a bunch of curls on it when it grows a bit.

these sprouted once, flowered, went back to bulb and have now sprouted again. each one has multiple sprouts, too

this sprouted once, flowered, went back to bulb and has now sprouted again!

this got fairly large, split into two, withered and died and is now coming back

the one with the purple flowers was here when we got here, the one with the red leaves was purchased

You have such a nice garden! I’ve never grown plants myself but it looks like it involves plenty of trial and error. I like the way your plants turned out :3
honestly, i’ve gotten pretty lucky – part of it though is that i planted them with premium soil and have been using fancy-ass fertiliser to keep em growing…
reminds me, i’ve gotta get another pressure sprayer bottle… and some new pots…
Yo but all of them turned out very nice :3 how old is the oldest? Or do plants not last very long? And do your pets snoop around there?
uhhhhh honestly i dont know how old they are lmao
yeah, absolutely they do. they don’t mess with them though
pretty plants!
thank you
so many plant friends, beautiful plant friends. could never get lonely, especially when guests come over like spoods.
Do you have plants yourself, denks? :3
i absolutely adore your garden; it’s so beautiful and vibrant
well, id like it to be… everything is in pots and theyre not arranged very nicely. but i like the plants themselves 🙂
oh my god this is actually my dream when im older i fucking love plants
thank you
hi its doge, these plants are super based and very pretty, keep up the good work :3
Hi Eip garden very pretty 🙂