
self-awareness is the experience of one’s own personality or individuality Discussions regarding personal identity typically aim to determine the necessary…


(makes perfection) at the current stage of my life, i seem to be losing time. or maybe more accurately it’s…


aka the tragedy of the forks i remember i once told my wife that she has to focus less on…


i have this habit of taking bugs that i find inside, back outside. i’ve done it for as long as…


by extrapolation, i am the product of a million million stars exploding and planets knocking into each other like marbles….

fragments II: veronica

veronica is a relatively short woman with long black hair that she usually wears in a ponytail. veronica lives with…


my dear, dear roxy. you were such a well behaved bird. i know you were raised by someone else but…


everything about my life has changed, and it seems like such a mess. the crueler part, though, is that it’s…

the third act

in a lot of contemporary media, there’s a three act structure. the first act is called the setup. the setup…

dear neighbour

to my dear, anonymous neighbour I cannot thank you enough for your observation that my lawn is untidy. you see,…