the (b)right side

there are so many ways for someone to say that it could always be worse. i’m sure you’re familiar: silver…

fragments I

i’m not sure where this one is. i’m not sure where any of them are, in relation to anything else…


i don’t know how to put myself together. i didn’t really know that i had to, until someone pointed out…


there’s just something about being tired. i’ve been tired for a decade now. it sounds melodramatic, but it’s true. i’ve…

to my therapist

dear anonymous,it’s been a while since i’ve spoken to you. nobody’s fault, of course, and i know you operated slightly…


there is something to be said for the comfort of ritual. it makes hard things easier, new things less scary,…

we need to talk

i think the biggest issue people have when trying to interact with each other is a lack of meaningful and…

eip’s easy bolognese

this recipe will result in a delicious and saucy bolognese with a smooth texture. serves 2-4 people depending on portions….


i feel so trapped. the house is so small. i don’t have any space to myself. when i try to…

the art of saying goodbye

during our lives, sometimes people will leave. this is the nature of things. our entire existence is rooted in impermanence….